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665 Broadway, Suite 609
New York, NY

The NYU Cinema Research Institute brings together innovators in film and media finance, production, marketing, and distribution to imagine and realize a new future for artist-entrepreneurs. 


A Slate of Microbudget Features


My Project: Creating A Independent Funding And Distribution Model For NYU Feature Thesis Films

New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts offers a world-class education that teaches filmmakers how to write, direct, edit, produce, and compose their films. NYU alumni have changed the face of Hollywood and independent filmmaking. Now it is our chance to change the façade of the business of movie making and create a new model for independent film. I am creating a model that will allow NYU to help raise a film fund through private equity for a slate of micro budget feature films directed and produced by current Tisch students and alumni as thesis projects and first features.  This seems to be the natural next step for Tisch as a leader in the world of independent film.

It seems that several universities have tried to put into place similar models. Here are some articles I found that have helped me figure out where to start in my research.

Chapman University creates film production company

Burnt Orange Productions

All Hands-on Set Industry partnerships help film schools shift learning from the classroom to the sound stage